Friday, March 25, 2005

We're getting married in the morning...'s true we are getting married in the morning and are going to be away for a week!

So it's looking likely that 'blogging may be off the menu for a few days...

Our wedding present to you is...we're leaving the last 'blog entry in you can still pick up one of the most useful inspirational e-books for those wanting to build better websites. If you want to find the the only methodology that will ensure long term success pick up your free gift today...

...and watch out for more coming to this 'blog soon on our return!

A&R 25/03/05
This Blog is posted to Technorati links:

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Third time lucky...if you missed's still free...

This is essential...and it costs YOU nothing....

The best things in life are free...

Here is one of them!

Are you making a 'NET Profit' yet?
This free gift will ensure that you soon are...with our compliments:

As a thank you for those who have picked up on this weblog...we present here a FREE gift for you to 'take away and keep'.

This invaluable download will revolutionize the way you think about how to pursue the way you build an 'online presence'. It will help you to realize how you can create a REAL BUSINESS online, if that is what you'd like to do - and do it economically, swiftly and (most of all) effectively.



This free product is a genuine opportunity that has already helped many people - It is NOT about running 'get rich quick' schemes - It is NOT about setting up 'copy-cat-template sites' that replicate 'sham' material, or any other such rubbish frequently found on the web today.


This opportunity will help you understand why so many people FAIL to make an impression on the Internet. It will help you recognize the simple, straightforward 'truth' about how you too can direct your motivation and effort to ensure that you build websites that work.

You do not need programming skills, you do not need to understand all about HTML, Java, Flash, etc. etc.

You do need the desire to find THE only way that individuals, and small businesses can build a website that 'attracts' visitors...establishes confidence...generates business.

In the first instance this free gift will be available through this web log for download over a limited period, and we are happy to answer any questions that the download itself does not resolve.

Thank you for taking a look at this blog. It was only a few months ago that we too were looking around trying to sort the wheat from the piles of 'chaff' on the web. Hoping we could achieve some sort of success in the ever expanding 'online marketplace'.

We now thank our lucky stars that we were saved any further wasted money, getting drawn in by 'too cheap to be true' hosting offers...only to find they were 'too cheap to be true'...any getting 'conned' into spending more and more, only to find we were achieving little or nothing.

We stumbled on 'the solution' one day, and soon realized that we had at last come upon a company that offered an ethical, economical, comprehensive method for small business people like us to begin to make a real impact in terms of e-commerce.

Given the thrilling ride we have experienced over the last months we feel it is only FAIR if we now 'do our bit', to encourage people to look at this company, the process it 'teaches' and to take advantage of the valuable free advice it provides (N.B. Stuff that others actually CHARGE A FORTUNE for...we KNOW we've had the offers...and they ran into $1000's!).

Just hoping that you do not dismiss the value of this 'gift' JUST BECAUSE it is free...If you can 'see' what it is saying, you will soon be on the road to 'website success'...

And if you can't 'see' straight away...don't worry, and please don't turn your ask us a question. We don't want YOU to be yet another one of those who has to get their fingers burnt before they FIND THE ANSWER...

Good luck, we hope you enjoy this free gift:

No risk, no committment,
just a chance to discover
how to build effective websites

A 21MAR05
This Blog is posted to Technorati links:

Sunday, March 20, 2005

30 seconds that could change your fortunes...

"HALF A MINUTE!"...That's all it takes to call by this link and take in the 'essential' message of building effective websites...

No money, no hassle, no long-winded overblown hype, no "plus I'll throw in $100's of dollars worth of"... 'trashy useless stuff you can get free elsewhere'...

Just the quick, honest to goodness facts about HOW to build an effective website...

If YOU ARE at all serious about e-business...I am sure YOU WILL 'get it'...BUT if you still have any concerns or the second link and ask for an answer from "the horse's mouth"...

So start your stopwatch and 'invest' that 30 seconds now...and save yourself potentially weeks, months, years of wasted time and maybe $1000's of wasted dollars!
We know we have....

TAKE half a minute to discover how to build successful websites

Any more questions?...Ask them here...

The "Horse's Mouth" :-)

Got a few more minutes...then take a look at what building websites did for these REAL people...
What is YOUR dream?

Our main website:
Travel and tourism information on the Dominican Republic
This was our 'dream' a few months ago, now ALREADY ranked 78,000 most trafficked site by, and with rapidly increasing visitor numbers, it is probably the fastest expanding resource of visitor information about the Dominican Republic on the web today.

A 20/03/05
This Blog is posted to Technorati links:

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Still looking for those elusive quality links?

No time for a lengthy tirade tonight so I leave you with this quote...if you have a site and you want to find potential quality links, free, try this:

VALUE EXCHANGE - the best 'link partner' locating opportunity

"Links to your site are important for generating high Search Engine results at Google and other engines. The SiteSell Value Exchange is the simplest, fastest, most efficient, and (most importantly) most REAL way to identify high-value sites which want to link to your site. It's a true, ethical use of the Net, exactly the way Search Engines want you to do it... relevant sites linking to relevant sites only."
(from Dr.K.Evoy's SiteSell site)

Try VALUE EXCHANGE - free, here.

A 19/03/05

Friday, March 18, 2005

Make the LINK! Your SEO strategy depends on it!

If you are just getting to grips with website building, maybe you have been following the intermittent Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips that have been appearing over the last week or so on this ‘blog.

Assuming you have tweaked your site to take account of the variety of ‘keyword based’ optimising you can do, then it is time to think about ‘other things’ for a few moments…although it’s liable to take a damn sight longer to do than it is to say!

You may well have heard about the importance of LINKS for a site to grow its ‘credibility’ with some of the major search engines.

True the spiders may have ‘logged’ your existence, and if you have a site that is deemed to be ‘legit’ so far…

[That is - it features keywords in the right place, at the right time, and appearing with the right ‘density’ (see previous posts)…]

And if your site is assessed as being ‘substantial’ enough to be a ‘serious’ contender for inclusion in ‘search results’…

[That is - it has perhaps 20 decent pages that convey some worthwhile content, around its ‘core theme’ (identified in its domain name!), with ‘keyword’ based topics that relate to that theme…so it’s all beginning to ‘hang together’ nicely in the relatively simplistic ‘assessment’ of most ‘techno-arachnid’s’ eyes!]

Now the thing that will give more credibility to your website will be if ‘other sites’ link to it…Evidently…in furtherance of a simple ‘site assessment regime’ (otherwise known as an ‘algorithm’…if your site is good enough to be linked to…then maybe it is good enough to be ‘cited’ sooner in those ‘1,200,000 other’ search results than a ‘similar’ site with few or no links…
The catch-22 to which you will soon tumble…if not done so already…is that if you are just starting out is…how does a new site establish itself with other credible sources so that they will ‘rate it’ enough to link to it!

This is even more aggravating that at first glance… It is generally well known that ‘arguably’ the (for now) big-momma of SE’s (Google) bases an element of its ‘page ranking (PR) score’ based on the number of incoming links a site has…

Most people who are similarly trying to establish a website are also aware that they should try and get incoming links from other sites/pages that ‘at least’ have some ‘PR’ score…being linked to by other ‘PR=0’ web pages, just doesn’t fill the sceptical old ‘spiders’ with much confidence…

So, you not only want links in, you want quality links in!…And don’t be running away with the idea that the answer is simply to sign up to those ‘link trading’ sites…true SOME of them might have something to offer (?)…BUT many have a load of irrelevant/rubbish/weak/ or even downright potentially ‘HARMFUL’ links mostly on offer…because…

Not only are you looking for ‘quality’ links from pages with at least some PR…and from ‘quality’ sites (more about which below)…but the sites which refer to you SHOULD SOMEWOW AT LEAST RELATE to your own site topic…Non related sites may actually be ‘harmful’ to you ‘ SE reputation’..and you should neither encourage, nor welcome them, if you want SE credibility! It’s as ‘simple’ as that.

But how do you judge quality? Well you need to ‘know’ the site and its content and make a judgement…Let’s be fair, you don’t need to spend long visiting a site to ‘KNOW’ when something is ‘crap’!

Also you may use the additional ‘determinant’ of ‘quality’ that the site should have at least a decent ‘Alexa’ ranking…a ‘decent’ Alexa ranking ‘implies’ that the site is at least receiving traffic…

[hence, the nearer to '1' the rank is, the better..because the site is getting more traffic…so #1=Yahoo, #2=MSN, #3=Google...etc., etc….This is a bit deceptive…so do beware, many sites have a fairly good ranking but are frankly NOT the type site you want to be linked to anyway – unless you are also peddling “glamour” shots, too!!! If you know what I mean!]

(So, what’s a decent ‘ranking’ you ask? Well Alexa has about 10-12 million ‘tool bar’ users supposedly…so ‘top 3%’ of those COULD be said to be a ‘decent’ rank - depends on your personal view I guess – if you accept ‘top 3%’ as a guide…then let’s say a ‘Alexa’ rank less than 300,000!..You’ll probably see a wide variety of opinions…but this is at least some guid to the fact that the site must have a certain amount of ‘traffic’…and being linked by a site with Alexa rank 3,000,000 probably ‘ain’t gonna’ see a lot of traffic finding your link!)

So you have to somehow make contact with site that have a fair Alexa ranking, that are at least relevant to your tiopic (but not directly competitive, of course!), with at least ‘some’ PR for the page that links to you!!! And all you have to do is....

Well it would be nice if it was just a matter of ‘being added to a links list’…but frankly…how much real use do you think being added to the end of a huge (maybe pages) of indiscriminate, non-alpabetized, random links really is?…NO…neither does a ‘simple techno spider’ either…

The truth is that as the SE’s try to improve their ‘assessment’ methods and keep one-step-ahead of ‘black hat’ SEO’ers…and really actually achieve that ‘simple’ task :-D of producing ‘quality relevant efficiently ranked’ results for its ‘ info searchers’…the value of being added to long, random links list is minimal if not actually NEGATIVE! Ideally you want to be featured on a well ranked page, on a quality site, on a page that features no more than say 10-15 links at most…AND (this is the ‘clincher’…because they are stkll like HEN’S TEETH) ideally your link wants to be ‘cosseted’ in a nice piece of relevant text…and …we-e-e-e-e-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l

I’ve really waffled on…(OH you’d noticed :-)…so I’ll save the last bit for next 'blog…

BUT...IF you are still with me…and IF you are STILL looking for the ‘best way’ to build a website…then I include some of the links I posted last time…because FOR SURE…I wouldn’t want you to walk away from the 'MOTHERLODE'…

Honestly, this is not ‘fool’s gold’...take a look at one or two of these links...there’s mountains of useful free info behind them anyway…and if you still feel sceptical…then PLEASE send us your ‘concern’ wrapped in a ‘pithy question’ or better still send it to the man himself, Dr.Ken Evoy (see the ‘send your question’ link below)…look, you may or may not take my word for it…but you can believe you own eyes when you see our current ‘project’ here…

If you already have ‘Alexa’ tool bar installed, you will SEE that we are currently riding at about 79,000 and some odd…ranked out of Alexa’s 10+ million users.

This progress made in just 5/6 months using SBI’s amazing ‘package of total support’…It’s not ‘luck’, it’s not by ‘black hatting’…take a look at the site…it is by following Dr.Evoy’s ADMIRABLE ADVICE…so why not follow ‘Doctors orders’, and get yourself a ‘healthy website’, too? ;-)

  • How to build an effective website easily and economically

  • The only 'complete package' of website development and support that can prove it works, time and is some evidence

  • Take a 'quick tour' of the most 'complete package' of website development and support...and learn why it is incredible value

  • Find out about best guide to developing great content to achieve your website goals

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  • ...And if you've still got some questions that are worrying you...then ASK THEM HERE

    AS 16/03/05

  • Wednesday, March 16, 2005

    Some useful links for those serious about getting into website development

    Maybe one or two links I supplied before were slow to load...

    So I've tried to improve them and offer some additional useful links for you to take a look at:

    especially if you want to know more about how to build effective websites,

    or maybe are interested in making a legitimate online income,

    or perhaps want to find out how to make 'affiliate schemes' really work for you...

    or indeed just have some questions you need answering...

  • How to build an effective website easily and economically

  • The only 'complete package' of website development and support that can prove it works, time and is some evidence

  • Take a 'quick tour' of the most 'complete package' of website development and support...and learn why it is incredible value

  • Find out about best guide to developing great content to achieve your website goals

  • ...Or learn how to 'master' the affiliate game

  • You've twisted my arm! Go on then, take a free trial! And get an insider's experience of why this is the only, comprehensive package of 'instruction, support, and development tools' of its kind, TRULY you will not be disappointed

  • ...But if you've still got some questions that are worrying you...then ASK THEM HERE

    AS 16/03/05

  • Tuesday, March 15, 2005

    How Dense Can You Be? (Don’t be dense enough to miss this SEO tip!)

    How dense are you about 'Keywords'? :-)

    Are you still fairly new to the website building game? Or are you, perhaps, just realizing that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important aspect of 'growing' the traffic levels to your site? Then this tip follows on from our other recent ‘SEO tips’ ‘blog entries, and we hope you find it helpful.

    We have previously talked about using the tags that indicate the keywords/key phrases, title and description of your pages effectively. But there is little point in indicating that your web page topic is about a certain ‘popularly’ demanded (and hopefully relatively ‘low’ supplied to) key word...if you then fail to use that keyword in your body copy.

    In fact you can incorporate your key word(s)/phrase(s) into any part of the page content that can be ‘read’ by the SE spiders…as they come searching for new web pages to inform their ‘masters’ about, to assist them in the demanding task of providing the most relevant responses to any given ‘web search’ by itinerant surfers.

    In the ‘crude’ early days of SEO it was effective enough to put repetitions and lists of keywords somewhere into the page (often at the bottom, sometimes at a point no viewer ever bothered to scroll to, thus usually only ever ‘seen’ by the robot checkers!). Sometimes these ‘budding black-hat SEO'ers’ would place long lists of words ‘invisibly’ on the page by making the text color match with the background…so human viewers wouldn’t notice them…but again they were still visible to ‘spider senses’!

    This ‘keyword-stuffing’ practice is now deemed by today’s ‘evolving’ spiders to be tantamount to ‘spam’! So it WILL have an adverse impact on the ‘analysis’ of your site, and severely limit your SE success.

    Nowadays (at least at present, for SE web page appraisal methods are continually evolving!) it is necessary for optimal assessment to get the ‘ratio’ of 'keywords to total text' right, in that how ‘dense’ your key words/phrases are throughout your web page body copy must seem at least proportionately sensible! So what is a sensible proportion of times for your key words or phrases to appear in your body copy? This is a little hard to predict precisely…as you may have a key phrases consisting of several words, or maybe just a single word, that you have chosen as your ‘major’ key to the page you are developing.

    Your aim should be to have the initial word/s in your ‘keyword tag’ (the main keyword phrase) dotted throughout your text a few times (some would say a little more often in the first third of the page and the last third of the page than the middle portion!). Your alternative, or additional key words (which may be associated words or synonyms that you have discovered also have a reasonable 'demand profile' when researching your keywords in the first place) should also be ‘sprinkled’ throughout your text as appropriate.

    Some authorities suggest that your main keyword should appear between 5 to 8 times in every hundred words of text (NOTE: That is to say ‘if’ you are using a ‘single word’ keyword it appears up to 8 times in about every 100 words used!…if you have a ‘5 word’ main key phrase…then this can’t appear 8 times as this would amount to 40 percent of every 100 word ‘section’ of text…which would just be SILLY! So for a 5 word key phrase this would appear maybe only once or possibly twice in every 100 words)…So you should keep an eye on total word count, and try to write your content sensibly in a way that keeps these numbers in mind and ensures that your keywords appear with the right ‘density’ throughout the text…whilst, naturally, making the text read as ‘normally’ as possible!

    You can see that this requires some thought when composing your body copy…you actively need to construct your copy to include the keywords at about the right frequency to persuade the ‘SE spiders’ that the content must be legitimate…And of course the very BEST way to write persuasive copy that is legitimate for ‘spiders’ is actually to write copy that is also legitimate for human readers!

    If you are lucky, and are building a website with the terrific range of web page development tools provide by Ken Evoy’s – SiteSell, for instance, then undertaking the whole range of simple optimisation strategies (outlined over the last week or so in this NET PROFIT web log) is as easy as pressing the ‘analysis’ button…and tweaking your content a little, until this marvellous ‘tool’ tells you all is OK for publishing!

    SiteSell's SiteBuildIt! package includes a solid reliable and effective SEO process that can be used simply, quickly and easily for ensuring each page you publish to the web is ‘optimized’ for both your human and ‘robotic’ readers…WITHOUT engendering any stress on the 'non-technical' webmaster! …This consequently sees your pages and your website racing up the search result charts - especially as you add more and more genuine content to your site. It certainly saves heaps of time and all that frustration ‘fiddling about’ on your own getting nowhere by trial and error!

    So there’s plenty of work to do examining your current website/web pages contents and checking word counts and keyword density ratios… Or maybe you want to consider the easy way (at very low cost) to overcome this SEO issue, and many other web site building challenges, by taking a closer look at how to:

    Build a Website that WORKS – today

    Take a quick look here, too, at one of our ‘case study’ site examples, you can easily identify the ‘main key word/phrase’ (using the information from earlier posts on this blog) then see how it is used (and how often it is used) in the body text to achieve a ‘positive’ SEO analysis:

    Why not drop us a line if you’ve any questions?…but do take a look here first if you have a few minutes, as many more answers are provided freely at this link:

    How to build an Effective website easily and economically

    AS 14/03/05

    Sunday, March 13, 2005

    Let’s Play Tag! You’re ON…to something that can help make your page more search engine ‘friendly’!

    Ok so you’ve improved your title tags? No? Then refer to the last but one ‘blog’, a few days ago, and see what we’re talking about. Once you’ve done that come back here...and see what else you need to do…sorry to sound a bit ‘autocratic’ but there’s no sense in messing about if you really want to build a successful website.

    Now the other ‘tags’ that appear between the html ‘head’ tags (besides the ‘title’...which you’ve already done your best to ‘optimize’) include the ‘description’, ‘alt’ and ‘comment’ tags. Ignore the last two, it’s pretty generally accepted that thes have no bearing on assessments made by the SE’s.

    The ‘description’ tag is worth taking some time over though. Although not used at all by some SE’s it is still used by arguably the ‘most important’ one...Google. Results that Google brings up usually incorporate part of the description tag, along with some parts of the main text where the 'key words' appear.

    To create an effective description you need to summarize the content of the webpage in around 20 to 30 words, working in the 'key word' or 'key phrase', as has also been included in the key word and title tags.

    For instance:

    For the page URL:

    The page title 'tag' is:
    Planning a Caribbean Wedding? The Dominican Republic is the Ideal Venue

    And the page description 'tag' is:
    "Dreaming of a wedding on an exotic island? Useful tips and advice for a perfect Caribbean Wedding in the Domininican Republic"

    The 'key words' are evidently 'Caribbean wedding'! (And hey, if you're planning one be sure to check out the page!) Within the main body of the text there will be other related key words too...but that's 'sliding' into the next tip...

    So for now...check out your page descriptions and do what's necessary...get yet another 'tick' in the box for the SE's and see your serach ranks improve steadily.

    If you still need to find the best way to launch an effective need to check out the genuinely incredible deal presented by Ken Evoy's SiteSell, this 'package' and approach has enabled us to take our site to an Alexa ranking of 82,406 within 5 months, and targeted traffic is building on a daily basis...

  • with the total 'tutorial' advice,
  • the behind the scenes SE submission support,
  • the amazing 'SE optimization analysis' tool,
  • the even more amazing key word brainstorming tool,
  • and an easy-to-use web page building system...
  • plus the support of the best in-depth total support forum...
  • We can only affirm our belief that this is an unparalleled website hosting, development and support package at the sort of price that enables individuals, micro businesses and indeed any business quickly to achieve an effective and profitable web presence...

    But don't just take our word, read some of the wide range of free material and advice that SiteSell provide here:

    How to build better websites

    And drop us a line if you have any questions, here or via:

    AS 13/03/05

  • Friday, March 11, 2005

    One stop SHOP! The only e-commerce solution that's guaranteed to work... I'm taking a day out from the SEO tips...they'll be back soon, and I will post Search Engine Optimization methods that do pay dividends, will get your site 'noticed' and will move your website higher up the results!...But for today...

    A quote from a short while ago from Ken Evoy, President of SiteSell:

    "...highly-trafficked stores are scarcer than hen's teeth. Sure, most stores do
    LOOK professional. But 9 times out of 10, there's nobody home. Nobody's browsing. Nobody's searching. And most unfortunately/importantly, nobody is buying."

    Have you got an e-commerce site? Is it bringing home the bacon as you'd hoped...are you selling enough? Are you selling at all?

    To sell successfully you have got to have customers...there has to be visitors to your shop. There can't be customers or 'traffic' if they can't find you...and how do they find your site being picked up by Search Engines for featuring the keywords (and related content) your customers use to search for their needs.

    If you haven't yet got a site and want the BEST solution...if you are thinking of operating an e-shop...and don't know which e-commerce solution to choose...if you have been 'drawn' into using cheap or even free e-commerce your shop up...BUT have no (or not enough customers) then you must read this:

    Setting up shop online...and creating a SUCCESSFUL business...see the how, the why and the proof!

    I want you to look back on this moment in a years time and think... 'THAT WAS SERENDIPITY!'... Many successful peopl will tell you (1) You needa little bit of luck sometimes and/or (2) You need to be in the right place at the right time and/or (3) You need to 'grasp the nettle'/'seize the day'/'take a calculated risk'...Now is your chance!

    Maybe you just chanced on this blog...but if you really want to build a website that works...if you really desire to start an online business that can become a serious income stream...then you have found the doorway to the only system that can show you the PROOF that it works - time and again...Take a look, and stop wasting your time and money trying ANY other method!

    AS 11/3/5

    Thursday, March 10, 2005

    What’s in a title? Greater SE recognition that’s what!

    How effectively do you use your page title tags?

    If you don’t spend some time creating a title that incorporates at least your main key words that we have already talked about ‘working in to your page URL’ then you are missing a simple trick for increasing the recognition of your pages by the Search Engine (SE) robo-arachnids!

    When your page is being crawled by SE spiders, it is not only important that the page URL identifies the site-theme-related-‘highly demanded/low supply key word’ BUT also that the ‘title’ features this keyword/key phrase too!

    The title (sorry if this is obvious…is the ‘summary statement’ of the page that appears in the blue strip at the VERY top of any page that loads…Just take a look and see how many pages have rubbish or nothing of any use in the title bar.

    If you get yours sorted out, and feature your keyword.phrase incorporated in your title, not only is it better for your site viewers…it also pleases the ‘spiders’ and you collect MORE SE brownie points…leading to that vital ‘leg up’ in search page positions.

    In our example site, try this page:

    is the the ‘key phrase’ must be…you got it… ‘Dominican Republic rent a car’…so when you load the page…the title is:-

    “While you are in the Dominican Republic rent a car easily and reliably HERE!”

    (at the top in the ‘blue bar’) The title also appears in the menu of sites that you may have on your navigation bar at the bottom of a typical Windows page when you have more than one IE Browser open.

    Take a look at your site today…and if your titles don’t score ‘brownie points’…make a few tweaks now…AND if you are still looking for a way to build a great website take a look here and see what many of others have to say about Ken Evoy’s SiteSell, the not only the best ‘all in website creation, development, management, optimisation package’ around...its the ONLY one of its kind…and still an UNBELIEVABLY economical deal:

    How to build a website and gain YOUR FREEDOM!

    It cost nothing to look...why not find out how to optimize your...LIFE ;-) TODAY!!

    Stop searching for the just FOUND IT!

    AS 10/3/5

    Wednesday, March 09, 2005

    SEO - improve your appearance! Follow these simple SEO tips (2)

    Search engines (SE's) are getting ‘cleverer’ all the time, and efforts to improve the quality of sites that they identify as the most appropriate answer to any searchers query, is there goal.

    OK, so there are a few ‘wise-guys’ who can help you get your site picked up by the SE’s more frequently, and even guarantee ‘placings’ in the first pages of SE results. But the bottom line is…if you are SERIOUS about making a great site that does what it aims to and provides a good ‘answer’ to a surfers query…and provides the opportunity for you to ‘earn an online income’ in the process…then you do not need to use ‘secret techniques’ (Indeed many techniques used by certain ‘so-called-optimizers will probably ultimately lead to your site being dropped or even banned by SE’s)…

    All you need is a set of simple, straightforward, common-sense tactics to help SE’s to find your pages simply, quickly and accurately.

    The continued existence of SE’s is incumbent on them becoming ‘the best’ at getting good results for their users. The algorithms they use to ‘assess’ the relevance of a page are no doubt complex and highly guarded ‘trade secrets’…but it is well known that there are things you should ensure that you do when developing your website and web pages that will generally be credited on the plus side by major engines.

    Besides ensuring that your chosen domain name is most directly pointing at your site theme (as previous post describes), you should follow the same approach for each page you publish.

    Assuming you are developing a genuine website, then each of your pages will be focusing on a topic related to your theme. The first thing you need to do is ascertain what is the ‘strongest’ keyword that ‘searchers’ use frequently to locate information about the ‘topic’ you are providing info about. (This is a bit chicken-and-egg though…as in the best case you will already INITIALLY have identified the topic worth writing about through checking out popular search terms).

    The BEST key word for a page will have a high ‘demand’ (number of searches over given time) relative to a low supply (number of pages that use that word/combination of words in their title/content). The ‘competitiveness’ of your chosen ‘market’ (commonly called your niche!) will determine how easy this is to research.

    The page you create should incorporate a ‘sprinkling’ of related keywords. The ‘density’ or frequency of use of keywords is an issue often talked about in SEO forums…but a few sensible ‘in context’ mentions of your ‘primary’ key word, and a few more of your ‘secondary’ terms, within appropriate text covering your chosen topic will normally be ideal.

    Certain advice suggests that the ‘number’ of uses of your keyword/s should maybe ‘just, to try and draw SE’s attention exceed’ normal use. Certainly you should NOT type many repetitions of primary keywords and their synonyms, as this ‘saturation’ technique (once common) is now categorically penalized by SE’s, so consequently a stupid thing to do!

    So to complement the fact that your page content is keyword focused your page ‘address’ (individual page URL) should utilize you ‘main’ keyword/s too.
    So using our example of a relevant ‘domain name’ - - If you discover that one thing people often seek when visiting the Dominican Republic is car hire, then you might research the best ‘key words’ to use and then create a page named:

    or if you had discovered that people often searched for news and newspapers in the DR, to catch up with what is going on, then similarly you might incorporate high demand ‘keywords’ thus:

    The ‘net’ result is that your on theme domain name, is complemented by your on topic page URL, and this increases the chances that SE’s rate your website more highly, and pitch it higher in search results, increasing chances you will be found and bringing traffic to your site. Common sense really…but just because it is ‘common sense’ doesn’t means it is ‘common practice’…so set to and do your site a favor today by improving the chances of it’s appearance in the cream of search engine results.

    Are YOU still looking for the BEST method of building and publishing a website? For the best most effective complete support and guidance for developing a successful website take a look the best complete system for building a website that works.

    AS 9/3/5

    Monday, March 07, 2005

    The best ‘treatment’ for better Search Engine Optimisation – take one a day for the next week!

    SEO is something you can’t avoid...and if you’re daft enough you could even be persuaded to part with $1000’s a month to let someone do it for you!!!!(OK so YOU couldn’t be persuaded…why? ‘cos you’re reading this…if you’re paying SEO companies $1000’s a month you wouldn’t have the insight to look at this ‘blog!)

    If you currently have a website then you probably want as many people as possible to find it…especially if your aim is to establish an income stream.

    There are several simple things you can do to ‘help yourself’. Over the next few days this ‘blog will feature a few tips to help you on your quest. If you are not doing these things already they should help to improve your SE rankings.

    If you are still looking for a way to build an effective website…then you need to look at this first:

    How to build a website that can become a real online business!

    For those struggling along and wondering why their traffic is so slow…you need to improve your SEO approach…THE simplest way to do this is also by -
    because this website hosting and support package does it all for you for an increadibly low price…

    But if you are determined to do it for yourself, no matter the hours it takes and frustration it causes then, FIRST and FOREMOST:

    Take a look at your domain name. How good is it?

    The first thing that the engines get to know about your site is your domain name, and given that they use programmed ‘spiders’ to check out the domains appearing on the ‘net’ for relevance to queries they are receiving…if you are ‘promoting’ lets say a travel destination like the Dominican Republic then:- won’t tell anyone anything (except perhaps your name...and how relevant is it in this case to your site topic?), and especially those ‘robotic’ things that judge relevance it won't given them a clue about your site… is hardly better…yes it mentions holidays…but where? Are they in the UK? If your site isn't 'regional' is still better to go for .com if you can get it!

    Whereas something like:

    Now that simply delivers the message…its about the Dominican Republic, and it relates to visiting the ‘one tick’ for optimising the site you are building from the name forwards…
    If you haven’t got a good domain name …then bite the bullet now, drop the irrelevant one you have and buy another better name… indeed, if you decide to consider the 'fully supported route', the single best option for developing a site in the best way, most effectively…with all the SEO pressure taken off you…(because the bulk of the work is done for you) is by building your site using this company:

    thee Best way to build a website – full package of support, guidance, and tools, for a small annual subscription….

    It even includes your domain name in the deal…pick it, register it, and move one step closer to having a great effective website…TODAY!

    Watch out for the next tip…here soon.

    A 7/3/5

    Friday, March 04, 2005

    No, but seriously you have to USE search it! Take another look NOW?

    “Search-It” offers everything you need to research your website topic,

  • find content
  • find info about competitors
  • find ways of earning more from your site
  • find ways of improving your site
  • find ways of getting better rankings in search engines
  • find ways of getting more traffic...etc. etc.

    So seriously try “Search-It” is FREE...and it is UNIQUE...and it will help you build a better website!

    By the way...

    I just posted this comment on a web development forum, to someone who has launched a site recently and can't get Google to find it, if you're in the same boat, maybe it will be of interest:

    Hi ???

    Like you we just joined this forum. It is interesting because, like you we have also recently launched a site:

    It has been going about 5 months, currently we are working to improve Google page rankings, this takes time and some of the advice you received is useful. We are however already ranked 118,564 most trafficked site in Alexa (which has about 10-11 milion members).

    Google is not the only search engine (in fact it ranks 3rd behind Yahoo and MSN) but it is the toughest to get established in. Tactics that work with one engine may well not work with another. We get hits from Google every day now, we also get high rankings in the Yahoo searches numerous times a day an MSN many times a day (often in No 1. slot, and frequently on the first page of results at least.)

    We are lucky because our site has fantastic back up allowing us to 'optimise' pages for search engines, and automatic 'submissions' at the RIGHT regularity to the major engines. We also have a fantastic guide/manual to help us get things right and the support of what must be the best forum for web site developers.

    One tip that can help get your site noticed, is that when you use a forum that allows you to post your Home page URL (as 'web development forums' does) you ought to incorporate it in your posts...obviously the chances are there that anyone reading your posts might check out your site...therefore...instant traffic! (Naturally, one assumes that you look out for the chance to post items in forums relevant to your site topic...this will mean that any traffic you get will be well targeted).

    Hope you'll have a look at '', past entries will give you some ideas and links that are worth following that you might find useful for growing traffic and achieving better search engine presence.

    Bottom line is VERY time consuming and VERY frustrating trying to get noticed by the engines depending on how 'competitive' your topic is...BUT with great support like the company we use (only costs us equivalent of approx £15/US$25 per month...and CANNOT be beaten...check out what some others charge for search engine optimisation ALONE!) it helps with all the 'technical stuff' and we can concentrate on the bread and butter stuff...BUILDING GREAT CONTENT! After all
    you need at least 20 pages to get taken seriously by Google, and the more pages you have...the better your search engine popularity will become!

    If you want any more details...or even some free pdf downloads let us know.

    Good Luck


    Hope you will feel free to drop us a line too if you have any questions, and don't forget, make sure you get hold of
    “Search-It” and see what it can do for you today (each search includes tutorial you can't go wrong!)

  • AS 04/03/05