Sunday, March 13, 2005

Let’s Play Tag! You’re ON…to something that can help make your page more search engine ‘friendly’!

Ok so you’ve improved your title tags? No? Then refer to the last but one ‘blog’, a few days ago, and see what we’re talking about. Once you’ve done that come back here...and see what else you need to do…sorry to sound a bit ‘autocratic’ but there’s no sense in messing about if you really want to build a successful website.

Now the other ‘tags’ that appear between the html ‘head’ tags (besides the ‘title’...which you’ve already done your best to ‘optimize’) include the ‘description’, ‘alt’ and ‘comment’ tags. Ignore the last two, it’s pretty generally accepted that thes have no bearing on assessments made by the SE’s.

The ‘description’ tag is worth taking some time over though. Although not used at all by some SE’s it is still used by arguably the ‘most important’ one...Google. Results that Google brings up usually incorporate part of the description tag, along with some parts of the main text where the 'key words' appear.

To create an effective description you need to summarize the content of the webpage in around 20 to 30 words, working in the 'key word' or 'key phrase', as has also been included in the key word and title tags.

For instance:

For the page URL:

The page title 'tag' is:
Planning a Caribbean Wedding? The Dominican Republic is the Ideal Venue

And the page description 'tag' is:
"Dreaming of a wedding on an exotic island? Useful tips and advice for a perfect Caribbean Wedding in the Domininican Republic"

The 'key words' are evidently 'Caribbean wedding'! (And hey, if you're planning one be sure to check out the page!) Within the main body of the text there will be other related key words too...but that's 'sliding' into the next tip...

So for now...check out your page descriptions and do what's necessary...get yet another 'tick' in the box for the SE's and see your serach ranks improve steadily.

If you still need to find the best way to launch an effective need to check out the genuinely incredible deal presented by Ken Evoy's SiteSell, this 'package' and approach has enabled us to take our site to an Alexa ranking of 82,406 within 5 months, and targeted traffic is building on a daily basis...

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    AS 13/03/05


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