Wednesday, February 23, 2005

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At 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As we approach the new year and New Years resolutions, some modern
wisdom strikes home in the words of Yoda. "Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "
Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back'). Whatever your personal feelings about the conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq, the troops serving there are our flesh and blood and our friends and neighbors. They deserve our reassurance that we ALL support those who are placing their lives at risk, whatever the politics of the time and place. To that end there are two excellent programs that let us "Do" for our absent fellow citizens. Either of these sites are great for a "good deed". Operation Uplink is a unique program that keeps military personnel and hospitalized veterans in touch with their families and loved ones by providing them with a free phone card. You can also go to
USO Care Packages and send someone in the armed services some seasonal cheer. On the lighter side, don't miss
In Vino, Veritas, , fun musings about
wine and food or Old worn
out saddles
, the life and times of a Montana cowboy from the early
1900's. Amazing people, our ancestors. For your business advancement, we've
started a site that helps people who are interested in improving their
greatest home business opportunity online. Please stop by and let us know what you think.

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi DominicanR I’ve been looking for images related blogs and I came across yours on Have you found it yet? No! Then you can't be using SEARCH IT! during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. You are most welcome to come and visit me at images. Bye for now and have a nice day! Artisan.

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello DominicanR, I've just been playing Serious Sam 2 before getting down to do some research into chart currency trading; on the whole I'd rather continue playing. First place I came to was Have you found it yet? No! Then you can't be using SEARCH IT! so I've been having a goog time reading your blog. There are some ideas that I could maybe incorporate into chart currency trading to make it more useful. Thank you!

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G'day DominicanR, what a great blog you have here, been entertained by the read. Just noticed that my intended brief time visiting blogs looking for currency trading platform items has run into a couple of hours. Easily done when you get engrossed in what people write about. I should really use currency trading platform as a search term but then I might miss places such as Have you found it yet? No! Then you can't be using SEARCH IT!. Besides which working all the time is boring.

At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi DominicanR, this is my last visit on the 'net for now - I'm tired. I found Have you found it yet? No! Then you can't be using SEARCH IT! by accident as I'm searching on interbank currency trading but I got fed up with that and I've been roaming about just reading what takes my fancy. Good blog you have here, I enjoyed my visit. Have a great day and it's back to interbank currency trading searches for me tomorrow.


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