One stop SHOP! The only e-commerce solution that's guaranteed to work... I'm taking a day out from the SEO tips...they'll be back soon, and I will post Search Engine Optimization methods that do pay dividends, will get your site 'noticed' and will move your website higher up the results!...But for today...
A quote from a short while ago from Ken Evoy, President of SiteSell:
"...highly-trafficked stores are scarcer than hen's teeth. Sure, most stores do
LOOK professional. But 9 times out of 10, there's nobody home. Nobody's browsing. Nobody's searching. And most unfortunately/importantly, nobody is buying."
Have you got an e-commerce site? Is it bringing home the bacon as you'd hoped...are you selling enough? Are you selling at all?
To sell successfully you have got to have customers...there has to be visitors to your shop. There can't be customers or 'traffic' if they can't find you...and how do they find your site being picked up by Search Engines for featuring the keywords (and related content) your customers use to search for their needs.
If you haven't yet got a site and want the BEST solution...if you are thinking of operating an e-shop...and don't know which e-commerce solution to choose...if you have been 'drawn' into using cheap or even free e-commerce your shop up...BUT have no (or not enough customers) then you must read this:
Setting up shop online...and creating a SUCCESSFUL business...see the how, the why and the proof!
I want you to look back on this moment in a years time and think... 'THAT WAS SERENDIPITY!'... Many successful peopl will tell you (1) You needa little bit of luck sometimes and/or (2) You need to be in the right place at the right time and/or (3) You need to 'grasp the nettle'/'seize the day'/'take a calculated risk'...Now is your chance!
Maybe you just chanced on this blog...but if you really want to build a website that works...if you really desire to start an online business that can become a serious income stream...then you have found the doorway to the only system that can show you the PROOF that it works - time and again...Take a look, and stop wasting your time and money trying ANY other method!
AS 11/3/5
Computers and Internet
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