Internet Success? All It Takes Is The Bottle Of JD!
One marketer on the internet (but not someone who likes to be thought of a player in the ‘Internet Marketing Niche’) whose certainly ‘got some bottle’ and is currently making an impact as big as his personality is Mr James D Brausch. Caustic he may be, critical certainly, opinionated always – but his blog and his products are rarely less than interesting
If you’ve never heard of him -- and I hadn’t until a couple of months ago -- then maybe it is time you checked out his busy (he posts anything from 1 to 3 times a day!) web log. Oftentimes Brausch is either introducing a new, innovative product, or asking his readers market research questions, or offering a ‘24-hour special’ on his new products at a massively reduced price…but he may equally be expounding his personal philosophies about life, the Universe and almost everything. Which all goes to make James Brausch’s blog one that’s worth re-visiting regularly.
Brausch is carving an interesting online reputation for ploughing his own furrow, flying in the face of typical guru-esque tendencies – and launching some of the most interesting software (and ‘hardware’) products onto the Internet Business Building Market Place in recent times.
There have been many launches made by the ‘good old boys’ in the Internet Marketing sector over the last year. You know the ‘usual suspects’ to whom I am referring -- the Shefrens, the Filsaimes, the Comms, and their core group of cronies who fill your e-mail box with countless ‘Dear Friend’ letters of encouragement to shell-out for the latest/greatest/must-have offer from which they’ll each earn their next inflated affiliate check!...
Well J.D.Brausch appears to inhabit the antipodes of the Internet Marketing globe from these folks…at least in ‘style’ if not in overall intent! Brausch decries the concept of ‘niche’ as fraudulent and untrue…a fallacy peddled by ‘self appointed gurus’. Yes he is a feisty commentator who has a strong and ‘different’ POV that is attracting the attention of a growing throng of acolytes.
Brausch may sometimes be a little blunt in his retorts to customers and commenters alike who leave their messages on his intriguing ‘blog, but he never makes trite comments and he’ll always justify his stance. Indeed he comes across as a widely read fellow with strong opinions on most things from religion to EST, from the ‘how to set up and run a successful Internet business’ through to how to construct ‘guaranteed successful copy’ using a unique copy optimizing tool he has developed (and for which he has acquired impressive testimonials from some of the sales copy writing ‘Hall of Fame’, one should add!).
This eccentric millionaire Internet marketer already occasionally hosts massively successful ‘tutoring courses’ at a frankly shocking US$10,000 a pop, and is responsible for developing some of the most innovative software products aimed at assisting the ‘budding Interpreneur’ to make their mark more quickly and effectively. He doesn’t sell the same old hype. He doesn’t tote the same old bail. And if you’re lucky enough to get on his Christmas list – he might even send you a free book! (Even if it is an old ‘science fiction’ novel from the mid 1900’s that he has just finished reading!)
In fact far from selling products which have names that ‘say far more than they do’ (as is all too common) – Brausch goes-against-the grain of received wisdom by having developed a raft of ‘nifty’ and original web-business-promotion tools (relating to everything from article submission and traffic-building, to copy writing and product development) which he then, in typical ‘Brauschian’ style, christens with ‘quirky’ names that give the potential buyer absolutely no idea of what they may do! (Maybe that's why some of his affiliates seem to have 're named' them for him? Just try selling Hermus, RaSof and Nemeas without so doing!)
‘MuVar’, ‘Glyphius’, ‘ArtemisPro’ are just some of the remarkably innovative products James Brausch has developed largely by applying simple logic that gets results, and many testimonials confirm that they really work. Indeed this ‘JD’ is taking a ‘swift shot’ over the bows of some of the other ‘self styled Internet Marketing experts’ with products that may come from a different perspective but apparently, unlike many, they actually do deliver.
As James D. Brausch has continued to promote his name as brand, via his web log, ever more effectively throughout the last year and a half (with an Alexa rank in the 14,000’s and on page 1 of results for the Google Search ‘Internet Business’ his ‘blog is evidently stirring up some regular interest!) …JD seems to be one ‘Internet Marketer’ who has 'got the bottle’ to go all the way, when it comes to providing individualistic and genuinely helpful products that provide real benefits for those trying to improve their own online business prospects.
In fact, if you want to learn to run a successful web-based business even more quickly, Brausch may take you on as an ‘intern’ if you are the ‘right stuff’! But you can expect neither an easy ride…nor to get paid…but then again the experience you’ll get by becoming part of his ‘online business mentoring University’ will it seems be invaluable!
If you haven’t seen or heard of James Brausch before, why not take a look at his Internet Business blog, he’ll make you see ‘ex-drug addicts’ and ‘former Baptist Ministers’ and 'down-and-outs' (all of which he has apparently been in his ‘previous life’) in whole new light...there's hope for all of us yet!:
Or a closer look at just one of his most successful new products to date here:
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