Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Have you found it yet? No! Then you can't be using SEARCH IT!

Have you tried “Search-It” yet?...It is positively the BEST tool for finding everything you need if you are developing and improving a website! the man says:

“Search-It” offers...

"...every search you could ever want, all in one spot
advanced searches pre-packaged
constantly being refreshed
most popular Search Categories are...
- Keyword Brainstorming
- Keyword Research
- Keyword Competition
- Reference Library For Content..."

It's FREE and it is increasingly useful...this tool just keeps getting better as more and more search options are added.

It's easy to use, with 'tutorial' notes if it's your 'first-time' so...

Click and see you'll soon find you can't manage without “Search-It” open on your desktop all the time!!

FREE: “Search-It” - Try it NOW!

(Any problems with “Search-It”
- drop me a line and let me know if I can help)

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Sorry! - been away! - but back now with something BIG!

This is big...for anyone who is currently developing a website...and who has reached that tough part...GROWING YOUR TRAFFIC!

If you know about it already then I apologise for repeating this...but THE BEST way to grow traffic to your website is...(all together now...) getting good links-in to your site.

How much use do you think appearing on a page of several hundred, non-categorised, random, disordered links, is? As much use a as a 'chocolate fireguard' would be overstating its value.

What you NEED is links that are valuable...links from quality legitimate well regarded sites...well regarded that is by both humans and 'spiders'! The increasing 'intelligence' of the search engine 'bots' and 'spiders' means that 'complemenatary' links (by that I mean links that 'match' your theme)...are a boon to anyone serious about developing increasing levels of website traffic.

The more links from other genuine sites to your website the better for your rankings with some of the most important search engines. The better the websites that link to you arrange and display their links the easier (and more likely) it is that some of their visitors will click-through to visit your site.

You need traffic, and to be frank, you need appropriate traffic... No point in having visitors who aren't looking for what you offer arriving at your site...they won't stay long. You need TARGETED traffic. And you won't get it from appearing in the middle of a disparate list of unrelated sites appearing on a website that bears no relevance to your own topic.

So if you are registered with some 'link trading' site that keeps offering you irrelevant, unhelpful (indeed even HARMFUL!!) links...then you have to 'CAN THEM' NOW! (What do I mean by harmful? Bad links-in, irrelevant links-in, and link-in from 'dodgy' sites will lead Search Engines to dismiss or even penalize your site).

YOU NEED strong relevant links...links that are likely to bring you some appropriate targeted traffic are ideal... Sites that 'relate' but do not compete with your own site (i.e. do not directly compete with the information you provide...the products and services you promote)...are BEST!

So where can you get them? Where can you get good potential link partners...for free? In fact where can you find.....

"The World's ONLY True-Blue,
Real Link Exchanger that WORKS!"


If you know VE already then you will know this is true..if you don't know it then stop missing out...take a look HERE NOW...and register for free.

"Users of VE really do find high-value, similarly themed sites, then proceed to exchange links to TRULY increase their link popularity, all in a way that the engines LOVE" - writes website development expert Ken Evoy.

Value Exchange provides the best forum for great 'matched' links that you will get great value you see your own website rankings rise. And if you are prepared to work at it by developing links with partners that will reciprocate by putting your link into some relevant on-site in context text (JUST AS YOU MUST DO FOR THEM) this will make your linking activity pay dividends you won't have experienced before!

So don't just sit through to "VALUE EXCHANGE" now...and discover a world of quality link matches that you can't find elsewhere.

Al 20/02/05
"You can lead a horse to water but...."
You know the rest- so get on and slake your thirst for good links NOW!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Read THIS article first - before YOU waste money!

A ‘Portable’ Low Cost Business with Potential for Great Returns
(Part 5)
(continued from January 31 2005)

What am I referring to? The building of ‘information’ or ‘content’ based websites. Websites that provide a rich source of information about a specific topic that focus on gathering and providing in one place a collection of valuable information about something that people are looking for.

"How can you hope to set a website up that does this?…"

"And how on Earth does this become the basis of an online business?..." may be wondering! Well in the simplest analysis…if you have ever searched for anything on the internet yourself…you can be SURE you are not the only person who has done this! Your own interests are BOUND to be shared by many people around the world. It is inevitable.

The sort of information you need to make your day to day existence also the same information that many other individuals will need for the same purpose in their own lives…whether they live in your street, your town, your country, or the other side of the is guaranteed that there will be not only 'someone else' looking for the same things you are…but LOTS of other someones!

It is a numbers game! And a marvellous numbers game that is becoming more and more positive for the providers of information…how come? Well every day a host (by this we mean literally THOUSANDS) of new ‘searchers’ hit the internet for the first time. Access to the internet is growing at an amazing rate, and this growth is set to continue.

There are already nearly 60 million active working websites (source: Netcraft, 2005), and billions of web-pages on the internet! It is phenomenal…and it is the reason why ‘providing useful information’ can become the basis of your ‘portable’ business.

Such a business is portable because it ‘exists in the ether’. You publish information to your website, and with a sound ‘host’ for your website it ‘floats’ in the virtual world of the web waiting for ‘needy’ visitors to find it… and it does this whether or not YOU have your own PC switched on!

People can read what you provide, they can take advantage of the ‘links’ to other resources you may feature and do all this while you sleep…because they may be ‘reading’ your information any time, anywhere in the world.

I still find the thought mind-blowing…and every day when we check the statistics on our ‘informative’ website…we have visitors from all over the world...not one or two...but hundreds. Some of the people we know who do this have thousands of visitors to their ‘information resource’ website EVERY DAY!…there I said it was mind blowing....

If you want to find out how to build successful, highly trafficked websites quickly and easily, don't just take our word for it...take a look here for...

© Copyright Alan Smith &Ruth Ramos 2004. All rights reserved.
No part, or parts of this article may be reproduced without the express permission of the copyright holders, and without full inclusion of credits and live links to this weblog, and any other live website links included within the article.

Monday, February 14, 2005

St.VALENTINE'S DAY - You're gonna LOVE this!

Why build just a Web site when you can build a Web business?

On St.Valentine's Day here is a 'passionate and heartfelt' any of you passing by...with even a 'passing interest' in:

  • Building websites
  • Making money
  • Starting a business
  • Getting out of a 'dead end' job
  • Achieving an additional income
  • Telling the world about your 'passion'

Please do take a look here:

“The Perfect Gift for Valentine’s Day”

Al 14.02.05

Friday, February 11, 2005

What is it you really want?

Take a the special FREE 'gift' that different people have discovered using the same method as we have to create and develop our own free information site:

It's can achieve that special 'prize' that would make your own life better too...give it some thought...give it a try...and if you have still got...

Any questions? Just post us at:


Sunday, February 06, 2005

It really does work...The Proof...

We launched our free information website about 4 months December '04 we had posted 25 pages, which has since doubled to 50:


There are now over 56MILLION active websites on the WWW! (Source: Netcraft)

Our site...which we are still working on promoting and popularising, has already entered the top one quarter of a percent of most visited sites on the Internet (Source:

But don't take our word for it...take a look at the proof:

The PROOF that the way we built our WEBSITE works again and again

If you have any questions about how the approach we have used to build a website that works, send us an e-mail: HERE

But don't just take our word for it, ask the company that provides the comprehensive package of support that helps people like us, and you, build websites that really work, time and time again, anything you like:

Ask any questions of the company - SiteSell - itself

"You can take a horse to water..." but as they say ..."you can't make it drink"...we hope you won't look back on this chance to find the best website development method there is, and think: "If only"...

Al & Ruth
Take SiteSell for a 'money back guaranteed' test drive today!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

5 minutes to start building a more profitable business...

Do you run a business?...and want to increase your net profit?...are you using the internet to do this most effectively?

Are you thinking of starting a business? ...have you planned how to exploit the internet to grow your business faster?

Take a look at the following outline of 'business' types...Which of these is most closely related to your ideas/plans/desires?

This could turn out to be the best few minutes you've spent thinking about/planning your business...because it could open the door to more profitable business than you could have hoped.

Not 'pie-in-the-sky'...Not 'get-rich-quick'...Not 'pay-us-a-fortune-first' ...Not 'just-a-dream'...BUT a genuine, provable, economical way to improve an existing business, or launch a successful venture...

Take a quick look, it will only take five minutes, but could change your business for the better for years to come...

What kind of business have you got?/do you want? nothing...and always wonder 'What if?'


READ this article FIRST...before you WASTE money! (continued.)

continued from Sat. 29th Jan. 2005)...

PART (4)

You might decide that a virtual business is the ideal ‘forum’ for selling ‘virtual products’ too! What do I mean by virtual products…well one of the fastest growing sectors in online business is the provision of electronic information. Typically this might be in the form of an ‘e-book’. It’s just like a ‘real book’ but only exists in electronic form. This method has enabled hundreds of ‘small publishers’ to carve themselves a very valuable slice of the ‘information hungry’ net-market for themselves.

If you can string a few words together you could write your own e-book…and if you can’t convince yourself it is possible for you to do this, then there are some useful publications out there that can show you how to do it!!! Yes…you guessed the e-form of an e-book! In fact our own web business involves providing some of the ‘best-of-breed’ information of this kind FREE of charge to interested parties.

The fantastic thing about e-publishing is that a whole library of books can exist in your PC’s or Laptop’s hard drive, taking up no ‘shelf space’, gathering no dust, and providing an inexhaustible stock, that you can sell over and over again! Once written, an e-book can become a perpetual source of income (limited only by the ‘shelf life’, or ‘currency’ of the information it contains).

But if you aren’t fancying writing books of any kind (or refuse to believe you can easily acquire the skills to do so)…then you can always sell other peoples…and there are resources that will provide reselling rights for you to do this…

Many, however, have taken a different route towards developing their own ‘virtual’ enterprise. They have taken the route that most obviously fulfils the very ‘essence’ of the internet’s purpose. It is also a straightforward business building approach…that strangely involves no selling…that doesn’t require ‘direct’ contact with customers…that is entirely ethical, useful and worthwhile…and provides immense satisfaction to both the ‘provider’ and the ‘user’…

What is it?...


If you want to find out how to build successful, highly trafficked websites quickly and easily, don't just take our word for it take a look at these real-life case studies:

Real life examples of successful website builders

© Copyright Alan Smith &Ruth Ramos 2004. All rights reserved.
No part, or parts of this article may be reproduced without the express permission of the copyright holders, and without full inclusion of credits and live links to this weblog, and any other live website links included within the article.