Are you making 1200%+ on investment?
Well are you making 1200%+ annually on any investments you make at the moment?
We can actually say that this (which we make off one site alone) is an unremarkable return - because we know how little time we had available to 'work' at the investment in the last year.
Indeed - as you will be aware - the focus of this 'blog is about developing online income from building genuine information based websites.
What we can say is that there is a lot of 'tat', rubbish, hype and 'scammery' out there - cheap hosting deals to snare the ill-informed; rubbishy 'ready-made-article' packages to tempt the lazy and the inept; 'e-z-p-z' ways to build web sites rapidly - that only result in a lot of crappy waste-of-time trash to fill the latter 100,000's or even 1,000,000's of search results that SE-users now get routinely saddled with for many queries.
This is putting ever more pressure onto the need for first time (and even experienced) web site builders to get their 'formulae' right in order to claim a place in the first page or two of search results.
These days there is still plenty of 'crap' to wade through - even in the first 30 results for most SE enquiries - and this in a day-and-age when SE's are supposedly getting more fussy, and more 'intelligent' at sorting the 'wheat from the chaff'.
As far as we see - there is still too much 'chaff' getting through...BUT rest assured as sure as eggs is eggs - the SE's will gradually shoot down the 'fluff', and find ways of prioritizing the 'real thing'. What this means is that you may see some gains in the short run, by creating 'shoddy' pseudo-info sites - but in the longer term you are on a hiding-to-nothing.
So - get to grips with serious web site development now. Build sites in a time-and-again-proven quality manner. Provide useful and unique content. And within the year you can be seeing 1200%+ return on your investment. OK...for some 6-10k income from a site may be small potatoes...but when you see 3, 4 or more sites bringing in steadily increasing incomes from a combo of advertising and simple product and/or affiliate sales - then 50k plus per annum is not too bad for a few hours tinkering every week!
Take a look at the World's best method for achieving guaranteed results (that is so-solid, and reliable it is comprehensively MONEY BACK guaranteed - meaning investing a measly $299 in this venture is a no riskdecision for you) - and KNOW that if you follow the comprehensive guide, stick to the plan, and develop a genuine site (not just more scammy fluff) YOU will succeed and substantially - for certain! (it has been proven time and again:
And don't even bother to feel tempted by the 'fast bucks (...for them not you)' - 'get-rich-kwik (NOT)' - schemes that soil the virtual marketplace, but consistently 'snag' the unwary, the gullible and the newbie.
Take a look at the World's best system for building better websites - and build real sites that really work - for long term online income:
HERE are the useful links - no tricks, no gimmicks, no 'must sign up for my newsletter', no kidding...
(1) HERE is the 'Gen' on how to build REAL successful websites
(2) HERE is just how the web site building system works (slideshow tour).
(3) HERE is the simple yet real 'secret of web site developement success'.
(4) HERE is a comparison - that shows this is the BEST REAL VALUE website building method around.
(5) HERE is the PROOF that time and again IT WORKS (There are a lot of successes - it's A LONG list - so give it a while to download!)
(6) STILL got quetions about building a successful site? Well HERE you can mail a successful website builder any question you like! (...about web site buiding of course! ;-D)
SO STOP - wasting time being tempted by the cheap, hyped, destined-to-fail-rubbish. This is the REAL way to build a web based business! A small investment for big rewards in the long run...1200% return in a year? It's just a beginning...
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